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WeChat compliance recording: How does it work?

Reading time: 5 minute(s)

User friendliness remains top priority with the guardREC® Compliance integration of another major social media platform.

Since its launch in 2011, WeChat has seen tremendous growth. As the 1.2 billion strong user base (2021) suggests, the app has become a communication platform of choice for personal and business users alike.

It you’re a financial advisor, or any other professional subject to record-keeping obligations, WeChat is no different than WhatsApp or Microsoft Teams: Every customer conversation must be archived, irrespective of platform or channel.


What is compliance recording?

Banking and financial institutions have long been required to record and document all calls made with broker phones. However, the introduction of directives such as MiFID II expands this requirement to include all customer communication, across all channels, including:

  • Landline
  • Mobile phone
  • SMS and MMS
  • E-mail
  • Online meetings (e.g. via Microsoft Teams, Zoom)
  • Chat (on own websites or via services like Bloomberg, Refinitiv Eikon, Symphony, WhatsApp, WeChat)
  • Social media (e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook)

In short: You must record all communication that may lead to a transaction.

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Thankfully, with guardREC® Compliance for WeChat it’s easy to do! Here’s what you need to know to get going.

What can you record in WeChat with guardREC® Compliance?

In the real world, client interactions alternate between different platforms and modes. For WeChat, guardREC® Compliance supports recording of the following:

  • 1:1 and group calls (audio from voice and video calls)
  • 1:1 and group chats, covering text, emojis, voice clips, attachments, and deleted messages.

In short, you can record everything you’re legally required to.  

Can I record both voice and chats? How about video calls?

Yes, you can record both voice and chats. For video calls, we get the voice, but not the video footage. However, the record of what was said is the crucial element in terms of compliance.  

How does it work? Do we need a special app?

WeChat chats and calls are recorded by using an officially approved WeChat recording API from Tencent. Implementation is straightforward:

  1. Your company admin user adds the GuardREC WeChat recording connector in the company’s WeCom account.
  2. Your employees download and login to the regular WeCom app from App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android). There’s no need to download a special app.
  3. They can now chat with or call other WeChat or WeCom users. All communication –calls, text, attachments and more – will be securely recorded and stored by guardREC® Compliance.

The recording is policy-based, so it can be applied to select individuals in your organization. These individuals will then automatically be recorded as soon as they initiate or take part in a call or chat using WeChat.

Recorded data is accessible for authorized users in guardREC® Compliance, over the course of the configurable retention time.

WeChat compliance recordingFigure 1: guardREC® Compliance supports a wide range of platforms and channels.
Learn more here.  


What platforms are supported?

Both Android and iOS devices are supported.

guardREC® Compliance was designed to account for the fact that workforces usually are multi-platform. We’ve made it a priority to ensure both iPhone (iOS) and Android users get to enjoy the full functionality of the software.  

What about WeChat desktop?

WeChat desktop works from mobile, desktop, corporate devices, and bring-your-own-devices.

Where is the data stored?

guardREC® Compliance allows you to choose the storage location yourself. With our cloud solution, you can select an Azure datacenter region of your choice.

The solution can also be hosted on-premises for institutions requiring data at rest to be kept in-house.

Who can access the recorded data?

The recordings are retrievable for authorized users only. All data is encrypted, both in transit and at rest.

How do employees activate the recording of WeChat sessions?

All they need to do, is download and sign in to the WeCom app from AppStore/Google Play. The app detects activity in WeChat, and automatically starts and stops recordings. Dialogues are captured in their entirety.


Did you know?

We also offer support for WhatsApp recording. Learn hos easy it is to stay compliant here.


Brands that trust us

For ATC and Finance compliance officers, guardREC™ is a recording and replay solution that is built on the promise of transparency, quality and innovation. Our technology is trusted by some of the biggest brands and companies in ATC and Bank & Finance:


guardREC® Compliance for WeChat

Powerful compliance software for recording WeChat calls and chats, enabling you to uphold financial regulations efficiently and cost-effectively.

  • Automatic compliance recording for WeChat
  • Ensure compliance with relevant regulations such as MiFID II, MAS, GDPR, SEC, FINRA, etc. 
  • Capture calls, chats, attachments and more


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